The post as usual starts from my college....
The place really is an amzing....
Well i was taking a pic of my three
friends and it ended up with three rows.....
(notice a raised hand in the centre).
Well the rest of the lectures were no different..we just sat there for our attendance and thats it, we were free!

Completely free we visited DAV 10 where the auditions for aaghaaz(its a dramatics club)were taking was like the auditions for roadies and laughter chalange going at the same place....with loads of drama ranging from devdas to mimicry of different actors ,it was simply entertaining(well am trying really hard not to use the word amazing in every other line)...well i am starting to get the feeling that every college rocks...
Well this was just the begining....If you have ever been to place that you would never want to miss is stu-ce(student centre)...well this is one place that is always filled with food stalls and loads of people buzzing around it with the prices hitting rock bottom....this is where i had a hearty lunch while watching the crowd come and go....
overnight but it was only 3 and the weather
was perfect ,so whats better than the sukhna lake...
Using saved maps on my itouch, me and
my friend walked all the way,
taking wrong turns a few times and
almost exhausted we finally reached there.
But the view and the vastness that greeted
us was exhilarating...

well reaching back sec 9 it was still 6 and we still had loads of time till dinner...well again whats better hang out place than sector 17...we again preffered to walk this time...after sitting and wandering at the place ,buying some duplicate novels from the road side vendors....decided to have our dinner at subway, but wait where is it?i remember it being near the tunnel(pun actually is near the tunnel...)But where is that tunnel?....After judging my poor navigating skills and loads of curses from my friend(i should have a gps system with me but have to do away with my stored maps on itouch ), we finally used the primitive way...NO NOT THE STARS!..we asked the fellow teenagers roaming at the place...after carefully examining the people who might know where it is, we stopped two guys and asked them where subway is..there answer"subway se kidhar jaana hai aapko"..WHAT! "No the fastfood chain dude!"...well i am not good at even judging people!...later asked a girl who also happend to be buying a novel from the roadside vendor and the following conversation took place-
girl-"its near the hot millions i you know where the hot millions is?"
my frnd pointing to the one just behind us-"yes"
me"not this one stupid...acha hua pinjore walla nahi kaha."
me-"isnt it near that bridge, near the baskin robbins?"
girl(looking not to sure)-"yes"
me-"thank you"
well we finally did find the tunnel and the subway too but not the hot millions it was supposed to be near to...
anyway, after reaching the place we had a look at the menu...they had special discount on selected dishes according to differnt days in the week...well they had aloo patty that day and the prices other wise to be frank were a little high for two teenagers...(we could have 2 crispy chicken at kfc for the same price afterall).....well actually thats what we had...there is some unsaid understanding among all the broke teenagers, so we got up and started towards kfc(we werent that broke that we couldnt afford an auto...but still it was an all walking day i guess ,so we again walked all over to kfc and feasted upon the glorious dinner....
1 comment:
It wud hav been better if u posted pics of chicks rather than ducks ;-) neways, seems u cud have walked back to parwanoo if u intended to walk that much.. u cud have made it to pinjore atleast ;-)
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