Sunday, June 15, 2008

jailbreak itouch 1.1.4

Well gone are the days when people were able to jailbreak their iphones after hours of hard work....
Well today jailbreaking an ipod or iphone is just a few clicks away....
to start with you need to have:-
ziphone(which is easily available at google...i used ver-3.0 )
windows netframework 2.0(to run ziphone)
and an itouch(firmware 1.1.4).....

Open itunes
Restore itouch(do not sync)
deselect 'open itunes whenever i conncet ipod'
close itunes
run ziphonegui.exe
click on 'jail break'
some dos like screen will open in ur touch's screen for few seconds..
and tada you have a jailbreaked itouch...

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